Survived or Thrived?

So, last week the kids and I (with an occasional visit from Mike) spent the week at Durley Family Camp. (Yes, I had planned to re-post a couple of my favorite blog posts, but my phone, which was my only access to my blog, wouldn’t let me post things that had already been posted. Sorry!)

On Saturday evening we moved into our cabin and stayed there until the following Saturday morning. We had breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided for us, as well as activities and amazing times of worship. And other than my phone, which I used sparingly, there were NO ELECTRONICS. And we survived. I would even say we thrived without them. The kids played outside most of every day. And even when they were inside they were playing air hockey, carpet ball, and pool. We had actual conversations with our friends – face to face. There was no whining because I said no to DS games, Wii games, television, iPad, etc. No one responded to me with a “just a minute, I need to finish this level” when I asked them to do something. It was amazing. And I loved it.

And within an hour of moving back home they were both asking to watch TV, play on my iPad and play the DS. And then whined when I said no and told them to go play outside.

What is it about these devices that draws us in the minute we know they are available to us? How is it we can survive (and even thrive) for an entire week without them, but when we are back in our “normal” routine, we immediately want them again?

We have a rule in our house that the kids cannot play DS or Wii during the week (even in summer). Friday night through Sunday evenings are the only allowable times, and even then it isn’t allowable for the whole time – just portions of it and they have to ask before doing it. I would like to make the same rule with TV, but since that is Mike’s electronic of choice, that is an uphill battle for me.

But I am as guilty as the rest when it comes to my phone and iPad.

So, what is a mother and fellow electronic junkie to do?

I guess it starts with me. I guess I need to limit myself more. I guess I need to make better choices with my time so my kids see me as an example. That means when I am tired and feel like doing nothing but playing solitaire on my iPad, I should choose to play a card game with the kids instead.

(This is not where I saw this blog post going. Why does it always come back to me and my choices?)

How is it in your family? Could you survive a week without electronics?