Blocked and Busy

I’ve been trying to write this blog post for days. And I can’t seem to do it. I have had multiple ideas, but none that have jumped out at me. I know the rule to writing is to just start writing and it will come, but with no starting point, I have been stuck.

Then add to my writer’s block a brain that is full (to overflowing) with schedules and to do lists that are ever-changing, filling up, and getting longer, and you get one overwhelmed Chrisy.

And I think the blocked is connected to the busy.

When I am busy, I have less and less time to feed my soul. I don’t get to read, fiction or non-fiction, for work or pleasure, I don’t get to have lengthy conversations about what is going on at home/work/in the world around me, and I don’t get quiet time to spend listening.

When you spend all your time pouring out and no time refilling, renewing, or being refreshed, there’s nothing left at the end of the day.

I’m tired of feeling that way, but I am not sure how to change it. Some things that are taking up my time are not of my choosing: school expectations outside of school hours, work activities that are on evenings and weekends. Other things I am choosing to do because of a specific call to do them, like coaching cheer leading. There are other things – the activities my kids want to do outside of school – that I could say no to, but it’s really only one activity each and they need to be able to do those things they enjoy.

So, I guess I have to find ways to refill, find pockets of time in the busy schedule, and listen in the midst of chaos so even in the midst of busy, I don’t have to be blocked.

Now, any ideas on how to make that happen? đŸ™‚