Unknown is Good

Unknown is scary.

It is scary because it is out of our control.

It is scary because we can’t plan for it.

It is scary because it is unknown.

When I asked Jesus to come and live in my heart as a 4-year-old, I had no idea what kind of journey He would take me on.

When I said “yes” to the call to pastoral ministry back in 2005, I had no idea what kind of journey He would take me on.

When I said “yes” to follow Jesus again this morning (as I do every day) I had no idea what kind of journey He would take me on.

And, sometimes, that is scary.

But each time I say “yes” to the Lord, I am also saying, “I trust You.”

Sometimes when I say that, I feel more like the father of the boy with the evil spirit when he said to Jesus, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” in Mark 9:24, but I say it anyway.

Because even though the unknown is scary, if I am following Jesus and answering His call, it is good.

Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

His plans are better than anything I can plan on my own. His ways are more complete than anything I can come up with.

Which means that unknown is good.

I can’t run ahead if I don’t know the way to go. And that is good.

So in the midst of the unknown, today and everyday, I trust, I follow, I learn, I go. Whatever that means. Wherever that leads.

Unknown is good.

And I am following my good God into the unknown.

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