Back at It and Goal Setting

November 1.

I was supposed to be recovered enough from my sinus surgery to jump back into exercise on November 1.

But I wasn’t, so I didn’t.

And then it became mid-November, but other circumstances prevented that from happening, too.

And then it became December 1.

And all day on December 1 I thought I needed to text my “exercise buddy” and say let’s walk Monday morning and about the time I was ready to text her, she texted me. Great minds… šŸ™‚

So this week I got back on the exercise wagon, and as we walked on Monday we talked about our December goals. Mine is simply to get back in my exercise routine. My eating is under control, but I have to get moving regularly again. October 13 was the last time I worked out and August 27 was the last time I ran any distance, mostly because of illness.

And I also gave myself permission to NOT get on the scale this month. I need to focus on just being consistent with exercise, and there are enough stressors in my life right now that I don’t need the scale being another one.

I have two half-marathons scheduled for early 2014 already, and soon I will have to get back into training mode, but for now, consistency is what I need.

So for now, that is what I will shoot for.

Have you lost sight of your goals? Have you fallen into the “winter blahs” when it comes to eating and exercise? If so, think about a small goal that you can take on to get yourself back on track. Because staying on top of it now will help you not have to make (and break) the same old New Year’s Resolution in 2014.