Questions and Answers

I don’t know about you, but the older I get, I seem to have more questions than answers when it comes to just about everything.







I do my best to have faith, show love, be a good mom, wife, and friend, but the big questions in life seem to have fewer and fewer black and white answers.

We ask for answers to our questions all the time. I find myself asking God for answers and direction on certain issues often. In fact, just yesterday some friends and I were asking for a specific answer to a specific question. And we had no idea what the “right” answer was.

As we prayed, I was prompted to pray that any personal bias or stubbornness or preconceived ideas of what the answer should be would be removed from the picture so that it would be clear what His answer was.

I think that is a huge reason that we sometimes don’t have answers to our questions. We think we know what those answers should be, and by coming in with our own answers, we can’t hear or see what His answer is.

And it is hard not to do this. All our lives we are answering questions for ourselves. Do we want cereal or eggs for breakfast? Do we want to wear this or that? Do we want to go to this church,  that church or no church? Do we want to believe that God answers prayers or not?

Yes, God has given us the mind of Christ and yes, some answers are easy because they are obvious. But for those that are less obvious, sometimes we need to take ourselves out of the equation so we can hear the answer.

And when we hear the answer, it is our responsibility to trust that we have heard it and to follow through, without questioning.

What answers are you looking for today?