Happy Birthday, Vivian Sue!

It’s been 10 years.

10 years since we saw your precious face.

10 years since I held you, sang to you, talked to you.

10 years since we found out that we would only get you for a few short days.

10 years since a Vivian-shaped hole was left in our arms and hearts.

10 years since I sang this song as we remembered your short life on Earth. (And 10 years since I fell down the platform stairs after singing this song and made your mommy laugh.)

Since then I have held your brother, David, and cried as I realized how much he looked like you.

Since then I have watched your cousin, Ty, reach every milestone that you should have. He told me last week how you would have been his best friend cousin.

Since then I have rejoiced with your mom and dad as Drew and Gracie Daisy joined our family.

In heaven, are you growing up?

In heaven, are you watching us as we miss you?

Every year there are mornings when I wake up and the memory of you is so strong, the tears flow freely, my heart breaks all over again.

I look at your pictures – so many we took so we could remember you well.

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My arms still ache for your hugs.

My heart still breaks that I don’t get to see you grow up.

Yes, I know you are in heaven with Jesus, and your body is healed, but I can still be a little selfish and wish you could have been healed here so we could have had you longer, so we could have seen you grow up.

Yet, I know that isn’t how it played out, so I guess I will just have to treasure the days we had, the memories I have, and I will look at your pictures and remember your short and sweet life that changed us all.

I love and miss you my sweet Viv! You will forever be an irreplaceable part of our lives.

Vivian Sue Hammer
April 26, 2004 – May 2, 2004
Read Vivian’s Story Here

Stupid Knee!

This is a phrase I have been using in excess for the last few weeks.

Stupid knee!

On March 8, I went for a run. It was great.

On March 9, I did yoga. It felt wonderful.

On March 10, I did a full-body workout, followed by a run that turned into a walk because my quads were so tight from the workout.

On March 11, I did an upper body workout and felt good.

On March 11 in the evening, my knee was so swollen I couldn’t walk.

I haven’t worked out since.

I am in the midst of trying to diagnose and treat the knee with the help of medical professionals (and with the hindrance of our insurance company – grrr), but as of yet, I still am not able to exercise because nearly everything I could do requires the use of my knee.

Again, stupid knee!

As I have told you before, everything in my life is tied together – particularly eating well, exercise, and emotional health.

When I can’t exercise, I eventually fall into eating like crap, which makes me fall into a depression funk, which makes me want to eat terribly, which makes me feel even worse…you get the idea.

The last couple of days have been HORRIBLE!

It doesn’t help that there are a few other things going on in my life that are pulling at my emotions, but my eating and lack of activity are a huge culprit to my declining emotional health.

And the worst part is, I know it and I feel unable to do anything to stop it.

All I want to do is RUN! Running is my lifeline. Running is cheaper than therapy – and more effective in my case. Running is what I do. Running has become who I am.

And I can’t do it.

I walked into True Runner yesterday and just about cried.

I am sitting here typing this nearly in tears.

I am not sure what to do or where to go. I just want the MRI I need to have to diagnose the torn meniscus so they can send me to a surgeon so I can have the surgery I need so I can get on with the six weeks of recovery so I can run again.

But in the meantime, something is going to have to give. And by putting this out there, I am hopeful that this will be the impetus for me to do something different, even if it is finding a Pilates workout that doesn’t tax my knee and throwing out all the Easter candy in my house.

So here’s hoping for progress, because I have come too far on my health journey to fall into old habits now!

Anyone else out there struggling with similar issues? Anyone who has struggled with these issues have any advice or encouragement? I am all ears!

Update 5/8/14: Stupid knee is getting fixed next week and they say I could be up and literally running again within 3-4 weeks after! Here’s hoping and praying!

Find Rest

I opened this window to start writing a blog post. I honestly had no idea what I was going to write about.

All I could think of was the fact that I am tired.

One sick kid early last week. Another sick kid toward the end of the week and on into this week. Not much sleep due to sick kid #2 and high fevers/nightmares. Yard work that wore me out (even though I loved every minute of it). Managing getting the house cleaned. Shopping for groceries, Easter outfits, house needs. Working at home so I could be with sick kid #2 for the last two days. Planning sermon, Sunday school class/lesson, service. Not sleeping great despite it being my favorite sleeping conditions – cool evenings with windows open.

I am tired.

And I kid you not, the minute I thought those words, this song started playing on iTunes.

Find Rest, by Francesca Battistelli.

I just closed my eyes and listened, let the words wash over me.

If you are tired, I encourage you to do the same thing today, because we are offered rest in God and we can find it there.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30, The Message

Fill Your Cup

(This is a talk I gave at the Highland Business Women’s Club on April 14, 2014. While targeted to women, I am sure that men can learn from this as well.)

Picture this. My dining room table, filled with a collection of cups, glasses, and mugs, each with varying amounts of liquid: some three-quarters full of water, some nearly empty of milk from breakfast, some with the dried remains of the morning’s hot chocolate.

This is not a fictional picture I have drawn for you. This is my life. My two children would use so many cups in one day, and never quite finish what was in them, and never put them in the sink, much less the dishwasher, I literally had to assign cups to them and tell them they are only allowed one drinking glass and one hot drink holder. And if theirs is dirty, they have to wash it. Such is the life with a ten and thirteen year old.

The application of this to our lives as women is easy: we don’t get multiple cups to fill up; we just get one. And if you are like me, that one often runs on empty.

As women, we are constantly in pouring-out mode. We are trying to be good wives. We are parenting children and running around for them. We are working, whether at home or away from home. We are trying to be there for our extended families. We are attempting to cultivate friendships and care for those in need. If we are grandparents, we are trying to help our children and grandchildren as much as we can. Our “ought to” list is long, and our “want to” and “need to” lists get put on hold. Indefinitely.

The problem is, with the busyness of our lives, we have forgotten how to refill, how to rest, how to be rejuvenated. And because of that we tend to refill in unhealthy ways or in ways that may themselves be neutral, but turn unhealthy because we do them in excess. We may gorge ourselves on food, electronics, shopping, television, alcohol, Facebook, more commitments, staying busy and more. And when we try to refill with these things, instead of filling our cups, we are simply depleting them even more.

And what happens when we are running on empty

It is never good. One of the most prevalent consequences of running on empty is depression. That is obviously not the only reason that people suffer from depression, but I think it is a big player in our culture today.

I recently finished a book entitled Freefall to Fly by Rebekah Lyons and in it she says:

“Depression and anxiety have many faces. Happy one moment, sobbing the next. Refined, then frayed. More than 57.7 million American adults suffer from some form of mental illness, including 18.1 million who have been diagnosed with depression. The epidemic continues to spiral as we try to somehow manage the stress of modern life with its constant demands…if you’ve ever been close to it—really close…—you know it’s real. Scary real.

“Even more shocking is the number of women suffering depression…we as women are 70 percent more likely than men to experience depression. One in four women will suffer some form of depression in her lifetime. From anxiety attacks…to mood disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and so on, women are under siege. And the majority of women who are wrestling with depression fit nicely into the twenty-five to forty-year-old age bracket.

“We aren’t depressed because we are getting old. We are depressed in the prime of our lives.

“During the years when we ought to be making some of our greatest contributions to others and to the world, we are stuck. Caught in a quagmire of confusion, hardly able to put one foot in front of the other.”

These are frightening statistics. And I fall squarely into this category. After years and years of giving and giving, I finally broke. It wasn’t all at once; it was a slow decline. What started as what I would have called a seasonal issue, turned into a constant one. I was turning into the angry and yelling parent I didn’t want to be. I was picking fights with my husband. I was unhappy and burnt out in my work. I would cry in my bed for hours at a time. I had finally hit the bottom of my glass.

In addition to depression and as a result of depression, other consequences of running on empty include physical health issues, and relationships that suffer – from our spouses, to our kids, to our friends.

You don’t have to raise your hand, but can any of you see yourselves either here or headed here? Or have you been here before?

It’s not a pretty place to be. In fact, it is a scary place to be. Scary because we haven’t been here before. Scary because we have. Scary because we don’t really know how we got here and scary because we don’t know how to get out.

For those of you there now, there is hope. For those of you who are headed in that direction, there is hope. For those of you who may find yourself there in the future, there is hope. Our cups can be refilled. We can reverse the damage of running on empty.

There comes a moment when we have a decision to make. A decision not to allow our cups to be emptied any further. A decision to purposefully refill our cups.

For us as women, it is not an easy decision, but it is a necessary one. It isn’t easy because it means that we have to say no to something or many things so we can say yes to what is needed and necessary.

The decision is this one. To rest.

Since creation, there has been a rhythm that was established by God: a rhythm of work and rest. According to Genesis after six days of work, God rested on the seventh day. In Exodus and other books of the Bible, He commanded the Israelites to work six days and rest on the seventh. He said that the fields should be worked for six years and then left to rest in the seventh year. This rhythm of life is necessary in order to continue on the path that we are on.

But rest doesn’t come easy for us, as women. Our lists are long. We fear we will drop the ball on something. We have errands to run. Kids to care for. Families to feed.

But the truth of the matter is this, if we don’t stop to rest, none of the things on our to-do list will be done well. Remember what they tell you on a plane? If you are traveling with those who need assistance and the need for oxygen masks arises, you are to put yours on first, and then place them on those in need. You know why? Because we are no good to anyone when we have passed out from lack of oxygen. In the same way, we are no good to anyone when we are running on empty.

For me, this looks different on different days. Some days rest is sitting on my porch swing with music. Some days rest is sitting on my porch swing surrounded by friends. Some days rest is taking a nap on my couch. Some days rest is taking my kids to the zoo. Some days rest is vegging in my bed with an episode of Lost or Castle. Some days rest is reading a book. Some days rest is dinner with my husband or a friend. Some days rest is getting drinks with some friends. Most days rest is exercising and eating well. Every night before bed rest is reading my devotionals, my Bible, and journaling.

Rest doesn’t have to look the same every time. But it does have to be something that fills your cup. And it does have to be scheduled.

One thing I have learned is to look at my calendar each week and figure out when I can schedule some down-time. Some of you may have to actually write it in on the calendar. And you may not even know exactly what that rest time will look like until the time comes, but you have to create it. It won’t just magically appear. I know that I have to go upstairs at a certain time each evening so I have time to sit with my Bible and my journal. I know I have to go to bed at a certain time so that I can get up and exercise. I have learned these things about myself and about what I need in order to make sure I am not running on empty. This is hard for me. I am by nature a night owl and would love to fall asleep to the TV playing Friends re-runs every night. But when I let myself fall into that kind of rut, I start fading again.

I have been reading a book with my Bible study group recently that is written by Jen Hatmaker entitled 7. Each week for the last seven weeks, we have been fasting from something: food, clothing, possessions, waste, spending and this week we are fasting from stress.

Impossible, right? But what that looks like for me is six alarms set on my phone. Six a.m., nine a.m., noon, three p.m., six p.m., and nine p.m. These alarms remind me to stop and take a moment to whisper a prayer. To rest for a moment. To read a scripture. To take a break from the “urgent” things I am working on.

I am bad at this. But I think it is a good rhythm for me. One that may just continue past this week. Because it is an alarm on my phone, which I always have with me, and may just be the cause of some of the stress and emptiness of my cup, it forces me to listen and be attentive to the call to rest.

Rest is imperative for us if we want to keep our cups full. But, there is also a second thing that is necessary for keeping our cups full. God fills us up when we rest but not so we can stay full. He fills us so that we can give more of ourselves. “Jesus is the source of a spring of living water that is always bubbling up, an unfailing source, ever fresh.” The well of Christ never runs dry – we will always have what we need when we receive His filling. And as a result of that, if we are filling ourselves up with Christ and the rest that we have been called to, the more we give away, the more we will get.

“In John 7:38, Jesus says, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” Again and again Jesus invites us to come to Him because He is the fountain of life. He knows that life is difficult and [He] offers us strength. Not only does He delight in filling our cup with His everlasting love and perfect peace, He will fill it to the fullest measure. The best part is that it will actually overflow onto all that we meet. And no one is more pleasant to be around than someone who has had her cup filled with the living God…This will free her up to love others unconditionally…” (Quoted from this blog.)

When we take the time to rest, to fill our cups, we will actually be able to complete those to-do lists better, with more energy, with more love, with more compassion, with more hope, than we ever could have when our cups were empty.

When the depression hit me hard, I had to seek help from medical professionals, and it is good that I did, but I also had to reorient my life and allow time for rest and rejuvenation. And I don’t do a great job of this all the time. In fact, it took God removing me from a job I had for over 13 years and placing me in a different area of ministry to really reinforce some of these principles of rest. But I always know when I stop planning for rest: my pace becomes hectic, I begin feeling burnt out, the depression ramps up, and I crash. When that happens, I have to stop; I have to choose to re-commit and make time for rest in my schedule, because I want to be able to give of myself to my family, to my friends, and to my God.

I encourage you to go home and open your calendars tonight, while this message is fresh, and start scheduling time for rest, so you, too, can be filled to overflowing and give of yourselves in new and fresh ways.

The Way of Gratefulness

I had an interesting conversation with my children this weekend. I made mashed potatoes for dinner one night, and Anne caught me supplementing them with some cauliflower. Because she saw it, she was determined that they were horrible mashed potatoes and spent the first part of our dinner complaining, and sharing her knowledge with her brother which brought on a bout of complaining from him as well.

My initial reaction was one of sheer frustration with children who were complaining about what they were eating instead of being grateful that there was food, and food they enjoy, on the table in front of them to eat.

Then I decided to try to make it a teaching moment (despite my frustration). I explained to them that when you come at everything in life with the attitude of complaint, then you are basically saying that the things you don’t like take precedence in your life over the good. I suggested that they instead choose to find reasons to be thankful for what they do have.

About two years ago I began journaling my prayers more regularly, and a little over a year ago, I made a conscious effort to change the way I was journaling. I began adding, “Thank You, Lord…” to almost every single day’s journal. It forced me to look at the day differently. It forced me to pray prayers of thanksgiving rather than prayers of complaint or petition for what I didn’t have.

Now, a day rarely goes by without me being grateful for multiple things throughout the day.

After talking to the kids, I was reading my devotions for the night and read this:


It reminds me of the VeggieTales song my kids and I used to sing all the time:

I thank God for this day,
For the sun in the sky,
For my mom and my dad,
For my piece of apple pie!

For our home on the ground,
For His love that’s all around,
That’s why I say thanks every day!

Because a thankful heart is a happy heart!
I’m glad for what I have,
That’s an easy way to start!

For the love that He shares,
‘Cause He listens to my prayers,
That’s why I say thanks every day!

Perhaps it would be a good song for all of us to learn.

Food and Money

In my ongoing study of the 7 Experiment: Staging Your Own Mutiny Against Excess, (which, let me tell you, has been eye-opening, frustrating, heart-wrenching, and an overall wrecking of my life), we have gotten to the week where we investigate our spending habits and try to fast from spending in some form.

As my Bible study group discussed this week, we all noticed a common theme in our lives: the biggest issue when it comes to our spending has to do with one thing – FOOD.

This takes on many forms, including but not limited to:

  • Eating out
  • Running to the grocery store
  • Buying things not on our grocery list

But the real issue that all of these things come back to is this:

  • Lack of planning

If I planned out menus for the week, based on our busy schedule, and purchased items according to that list, I would not buy extra things and I wouldn’t find myself running to the grocery store for things at the last-minute. If I had a plan, I wouldn’t default to ordering pizza, or running through the drive-through of some restaurant that doesn’t serve the healthy, home-cooked meals that I prefer to serve to my family.

If I planned, I could curb a substantial amount of spending.

If I planned, I could be eating the healthy food I like to eat.

If I planned, I could be serving my family the healthy food I want them to eat.

If I planned, I wouldn’t waste so much time and money at the grocery store.

But it all comes down to that one word, “if.”

What stops me?

Is it time? No, I have plenty of that if I have time to sit around and gorge myself on “Lost” episodes.

Is it lack of creativity and ideas? No, I have multiple cookbooks and Pinterest boards with lots of food ideas.

Is it that I have an unending supply of money to be wasting on food? Absolutely not! We actually need to tighten the budget up a bit.

Is it that I don’t choose to spend my time that way and I am lazy about it? (Is it possible to step on your own toes, because mine kind of hurt.)

So this week, we aren’t spending any money. I will be forced to plan or eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for every meal. And while Ty might not mind that, the rest of us would.

Here goes!

Pout or Party?

(This is an excerpt from a sermon I gave on Sunday, March 30, at Greenville First Presbyterian Church.)

Ever heard the story of The Prodigal Son? (If not, take a moment to read it here: Luke 15:11-32)

In this story, we see three main characters.

The first and main character in the story is the younger of two sons. This is the son referred to as the prodigal or lost son. This son requests the inheritance that is rightfully his and then runs off and squanders all that he has. It comes to a point that the young man is slopping pigs for another man and wishes he could eat what the pigs are eating. He eventually decides that working as a servant for his father would be preferable to the life he is currently living, so he heads off for home, seeking nothing more than the life of a servant on his father’s estate.

The next character that we get a good look at is the father. The father wants the best for his sons, so when the younger asks for his inheritance, he freely gives it. But when the younger son leaves home, the father is constantly watching and waiting for his return. He misses him. He wants to see him again. And on that day when he recognizes his son as he comes up the road, he runs to meet him. He offers him not what the son asks for, a position as a servant on his estate, but he offers forgiveness and a return to the rightful place in his home, as his son. The father rejoices and celebrates the son’s return.

The third character in the story, one that often times gets overlooked, or at least villianized for not being joyful at his brother’s return, is the older brother. In the NRSV, the heading actually reads “the parable of the prodigal and his brother,” possibly an indicator that there is something to notice about this older son. This brother has spent his life working on his father’s estate, doing what is right and fulfilling his duty. Upon his brother’s return, we see him questioning the servants and father about why there is a celebration for this wayward son who squandered his resources and shirked his duty. We see him refusing to participate in the celebration of his brother’s return, because he sees only the wrong that his brother has committed and compares it to the faithfulness that he has shown to his father. (Anyone recognize the story I told earlier here? Have you ever been like this son?)

Lately, I have been thinking about the church, the church being all the people of God. I have been considering what it means to be the church, what it means to be a Christian, and a follower of Christ. I have read lots of books about the church, what the church should be, what the church members should be, how we are to be the hands and feet of Christ, welcoming and non-judgmental, and so much more.

Then last week, I met with a friend and we started talking about this story. And we talked about it in terms of the church, and it really got me thinking about how we have much we can learn about ourselves as the church and as Christians if we look closely at this parable that Jesus told.


This is a picture of Rembrandt’s oil painting The Return of the Prodigal Son. This painting depicts the moment the son returns to his father. We see him as he kneels before his father in repentance, wishing for forgiveness and a renewed place in the family, having realized that even his father’s servants had a better life than he was living. Notice how his father receives him with a tender gesture. One description of this picture suggests that his hands seem to suggest mothering and fathering at once; the left appears larger and more masculine, set on the son’s shoulder, while the right is softer and more receptive in gesture. Standing at the right is the prodigal son’s older brother, who crosses his hands in judgment, just like we read in Jesus’ parable recounted in Luke. The others in the picture are possibly servants, taking in the whole scene.

So what does this story have to do with the church?

I want you to think back, for some of us it may be way, way back, to the moment that you realized that you were a sinner in need of salvation. To that moment when it finally dawned on you that you needed Christ in your life. For some it may have been a truly rock-bottom place of desperation much like the prodigal son in the story. For others, it may not look just like that because you were raised in the church and have always thought of yourself as a good person. But regardless of which it was, there was a moment when you decided to humble yourself and ask Jesus to come into your life in such a way that it would be changed forever. In that moment, you became the son in our picture. God opened His arms wide for you. He embraced you. He offered grace and forgiveness. He ran to where you were and brought you into His house. The angels in heaven celebrated. You, God’s precious creation, were back home where you belonged.

But now time has passed. We are in God’s good graces. We are good people. We are doing what we are supposed to do. We come to church every week. We help out when we have to. We are doing good. Things are as they should be.

But we have forgotten something or at least distanced ourselves from something. We have forgotten what it was like to be that prodigal son. We have forgotten that we are broken, worn-down sinners who are still in need of grace; that same grace we received when we came to Christ. Not the punishment we deserved; not shunning; not slamming doors. We received the grace of open arms. But instead of offering that same grace, we begin acting like the entitled son. We think we know all the answers and how people should be treated based on their actions. We stand watching and looking at how right we have been, how we have done what we were supposed to do and we start groaning that we aren’t getting our due.

In the meantime, there are more prodigals that want to come home, but because we have forgotten what that is like, and we have kind of become Pharisees – more worried about how we think things are supposed to be than the salvation of souls – so they are afraid to come.

They are afraid to come because they might be judged and rejected for their sin, their clothes, their piercings, their tattoos, and their speech. They are afraid to come because they might not fit in and find friends because of friendships that have been long-established. They are afraid to come because they don’t know how to act, what to do, when to show up. They are afraid to come because we have become the older brother in this story.

I want you to note in the story that the older son had been doing all the right things. He stayed and worked for his father faithfully. He didn’t run off and squander money. He had the right actions down pat.

But his heart was where the issue lied. He thought he was missing out on something because he felt he should be rewarded for his good behavior. He thought it was unfair for someone who screwed up royally to be celebrated.

Too often, the church gets caught up in this older brother mindset. It’s the mindset of “we’ve always done it this way,” “we like the way we do this,” “this is who we are and how we do things.” The older brother mindset is one of making our accomplishments and our faithfulness of prime importance while looking down on those who don’t live up to our standards. Much like the Pharisee’s of Jesus’ time.

But the thing is, we have to consciously choose to stop acting like the older brother. We have to move to a different position in the picture. We have to become like the father. We have to start acting like our Heavenly Father, one who opens His arms to all who would come. He is always watching for those who may still be far off. He runs to them and embraces them. He is compassionate and loving and he offers grace and mercy instead of fear and judgment. He celebrates the return of the lost instead of turning them away. He doesn’t give what is deserved. As we emulate the Father, we are constantly in a position from which we can see where we once were, where we came from, how we were accepted and loved, forgiven and celebrated. God’s point of view is one of welcoming, knocking down walls, doing things based on need rather than based on ought.

I am reading a book entitled, When Bad Christians Happen to Good People, and I love the description the author, Dave Burchett, gives of what he calls the sinner-sensitive church.

The SSC would model non-judgmental attitudes. Issues such as having tattoos, body piercings, weird hair or ugly shoes would not be equated with demon possession. The SSC would pledge not to gossip, because we would realize that it’s only the grace of God that we are not the current targets. The sinner-sensitive church would value every spiritual, physical and financial gift, no matter how big or small. This church would appreciate but not elevate the person who made possible the new multipurpose wing through his or her enormous financial gift.

The SSC would make it a practice to reach out and care for one another sacrificially because we know that we all fall down in life. At the SSC we would have corporate executives holding hands in prayer with laborers and not thinking twice about it. Blacks and withes and Hispanics and others would break bread together because we all are sinners in the eyes of a color-blind God.

The sinner-sensitive church would give freely out of profound gratitude to a God who somehow saw fit to give us undeserved chance. The sinner-sensitive church would practice the prodigal-son ministry, running to welcome those who are returning home from mistakes and bad decisions and sin. Our members would get involved in other people’s lives. We would lovingly hold our brothers and sisters accountable to godly standards. Marriage would be cherished and taken seriously as a body of believers. Families would have a community of support during problems and trials.

Congregation members would not be so self-centered that they would demand the undivided attention of the pastor at every little crisis. Other believers would help meet many of the needs that Christians often prefer to leave to the “professionals” on staff. The people of this church would come on Sunday with hearts ready to be fed but also realizing that God has provided resources beyond any available in history to meet their spiritual hunger. Should they walk out the church doors still feeling needy, they would know they can draw from the marvelous resources of Christian books, music, radio, video, digital downloads, and studies to meet their needs.

The sinner-sensitive church would also delight in the company of other spiritual travelers and make it a priority that no one would ever feel alone. We would make each other feel valuable, but on occasion, a little uncomfortable. Being comfortable in church is not the primary goal. I am not always comfortable at the dentist’s office. I often arrive in pain because I have neglected to do what I should have done. The staff always makes me feel welcome and even cared for. Then the dentist confronts me with the truth: “You have let this go too long, and I must hurt you (a little) in order to heal you. You will have to pay a financial price and spend time recovering before you are completely well.” Those are the facts of my dental-hygiene sin.

Likewise, the sinner-sensitive church would not back off the truth, but we would seek God’s love to communicate that truth with grace so healing could take place. Decay, whether it appears in tooth enamel or the soul, must be addressed. We will tell one another the truth and explain that the process might be painful. We would participate in ongoing preventative maintenance and help one another deal with problems as soon as possible, before they become even more painful and expensive to fix.

The SSC would worship with enthusiasm, whether singing hymns or praise choruses, because God is worthy of that praise. The sinner-sensitive fellowship would have a sense of profound reverence because we have received God’s grace, the most amazing gift ever offered. The sinner-sensitive church would be so excited about this grace that the incredible news of the gospel would be as much a part of who we are as our jobs and our families.

Doesn’t this church sound like one in which the people of the church have truly learned how to become like the father in this story? Where arms are opened, where grace is extended, where healing occurs and hope abounds?

Each character in this story sees something different. The prodigal son sees only his sin and he recognizes that there are consequences and punishment needed for that sin.

The older son sees only his self. He is angry when he realizes that his actions and his righteousness appear to mean nothing to his father.

But the father sees something altogether different. He sees salvation. He sees the promise of a life restored.

And this is what the church, we the people of the church, must focus on. We can’t focus on our sin. We can’t focus on ourselves and our perceived righteousness. We must focus on the salvation of the world. The salvation of our neighbor. The salvation of the person who looks nothing like us and acts nothing like us. We must always be watching for them. We must be on the lookout for any hints that they might be turning into the lane and heading toward Christ. We must be ready to run to them with open arms full of grace and love.

There is something that is freeing about taking the focus off of our self, recognizing our sin and need of grace, and offering that same grace and salvation to others. It is a lot more fun to be a part of the party, celebrating the return and salvation of another of God’s children, than to be standing on the sidelines pouting because the party isn’t for us.

Before the Throne

On the way to church yesterday, I heard this song on the radio. I have heard it many times, but it hit me again just what an amazing gift that I have been given – the grace and love of the God of the universe.

You have also been given this gift, all you have to do is accept it.


Before the Throne
Shane and Shane

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea:
A great High Priest, whose name is Love,
Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart;
I know that while in heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair,
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look, and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin.
Because the sinless Savior died,
My sinful soul is counted free;
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the One,
Risen Son of God!

Behold Him there, the Risen Lamb
My perfect, spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I am,
The King of glory and of grace!
One with Himself I cannot die
My soul is purchased by His blood
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ, my Savior and my God

The Next Chapter

Yesterday I turned 40.

I know, I don’t look 40, you don’t need to flood the comments with that very obvious statement. 😉

So many people dread that number, that age.

Now that I am there, I am not sure why.

Is it a realization that life moves quickly? I see that in my kids, I don’t need 40 to tell me.

Is it a fear of getting old? I don’t need to fear that! I will stay as young as I want to!

Is it regret of how life has been lived to this point? I can’t say I have any major regrets.

What is it that makes people dread 40?

I read this devotion a couple of weeks ago and loved the sentiment behind it.

Devotion from Guideposts

I love the way he ended this, “What better age to begin again to make the world right, to reach out, to give, to defend God’s rightness?”

Forty isn’t an ending of “being young;” it isn’t time to decide to give up because you might not have achieved everything you wanted to by age 40; it isn’t a time to worry and fret about being old.

Every day is an opportunity to look forward, to start a new chapter, to do something you haven’t done before, or get better at something you have. Every day is “fresh with no mistakes in it” and awaiting you to “contribute a verse.”

Every day. Including the one on which you turn 40.

O Me! O Life!
Walt Whitman

Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring,
Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d with the foolish,
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d,
Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me,
Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined,
The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?
That you are here—that life exists and identity,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.
(Italics Mine)


I have lots of stuff.

Physical stuff.

Emotional stuff.

Spiritual stuff.

But the stuff that is nagging at me these days is the actual stuff that is filling my house.

Clothing. Books. Papers. Pretty much everything I own.

I am constantly facing this thing called excess stuff as my Bible study group and I continue through 7.

Here are just a few of the things that have jumped out at me this week (all are quotes from the book or the workbook):

  • Jesus was simply relentless in His call toward lean living and reckless generosity.
  • Show me how you spend money and I’ll show you what you really love.
  • …if we mistakenly spend the majority of this short life on earth earning more, buying bigger, possessing nicer, and chasing better, then at the end we have this: a mostly wasted life. Jesus begged us not to get trapped in materialism, because not only does it derail our purpose here, it’s stupid. Our stuff will matter for zero seconds after we die, and all it does is steal precious time, energy, and resources away from our true mission here.
  • The more openhanded I became with my stuff, the less power they had over me.
  • Our hearts are deeply connected to our treasures.
  • We don’t think our way into a new life; we live our way into a new kind of thinking.
  • Our justifications are full of holes we can’t make out. How we raise our children, run our churches, consider our communities, interpret who our neighbor is–when done in false illumination, we can sink and entire society, mislead a generation, abandon billions in their suffering, misinterpret the scope of the gospel.
  • God, money…these are very powerful masters, both tending to induce complete subjection.
  • One master will slowly pull us away from the other, bit by bit, for righteousness or for self-destruction.
  • …giving away is somehow sacred, connecting to the sacrificial heartbeat of Jesus. It’s as transformative for the giver as a blessing to the receiver. When God told us to give, I suspect he had spiritual formation in mind as much as meeting needs.
  • Do not be fooled by the luxuries of this world; they cripple our faith. As Jesus explained, the right things have to die so the right things can live–we die to selfishness, greed, power, accumulation, prestige, and self-preservation, giving life to community, generosity, compassion, mercy, brotherhood, kindness, and love.
  • We’ve invented a thousand shades of gray, devising a comfortable Christian existence we can all live with–super awesome, except the Bible doesn’t support it. According to Scripture no real disciple serves God while addicted to the dollar…Grayed down discipleship is an easier sell, but it created pretend Christians, obsessing over Scriptures we like while conspicuously ignoring the rest.
  • Maybe we don’t recognize satisfaction because it is disguised as radical generosity, a strange misnomer in a consumer culture.