Isn’t it interesting how a song you have heard many times before can suddenly jump out and hit you like a cup of cold water to your face?
That was this song for me this morning as I was in my Contemplative Corner. I had just finished my bible reading and journaling, and moved on to listening to a little music before I jumped in the shower to prepare for the day.
And then I had to listen to this song a couple more times.
Because I think this song really addresses what happens, (or needs to happen) as we continue to draw near to God, and emulate Christ, and be led by the Holy Spirit.
We think that we can package Christianity up in a neat little box with lots of rules and regulations, when in reality, the more we read God’s Word, we find out that it’s not as easy as that.
When we are truly living out of the love that we have been given by God through Christ Jesus, it gets messy and doesn’t fit into our human constructs of religion. And that is a good thing, because it forces us to rely on God rather than ourselves, and to see people as God sees them rather than how our human eyes see them.
It all comes down to one word for me: LOVE. When we live with the love of God at the center of our lives, when we love like Jesus loves, this is when we are living out our faith in the most effective way. This is when we are acting in ways that bring glory not to ourselves, but to our God.
So, take a listen this morning. What else would you say to yourself today? How can you step out in love this week? Let me know your thoughts!
“2019 has been a rough year for me,” is the nice version of what I have been saying about this year that has brought with it many challenges.
There’s just one problem with this statement: 2019 hasn’t ONLY brought challenges! 2019 has also brought with it celebrations, vacations, girls trips, lake days, family time, laughter and so much more.
And yet, my focus has been on anything but these positive pieces of the year.
Why is that? Why do we tend to focus on the bad/hard/frustrating stuff instead of the good/uplifting/amazing stuff?
I think it is because we have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to see everything in black (bad) and white (good), AND we have allowed ourselves to fall into the complaining trap.
Remember Thumper from Bambi?
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”
We tend to think about what Thumper’s mother taught him in terms of what we say to others, which is a good practice to have. But what we say to OURSELVES is just as important!
When we consistently tell ourselves that 2019 has been a crappy year, guess what? 2019 is going to look like a crappy year because we are focused on the crappy stuff that we have had to go through. BUT, if we were to change that narrative to say there have been some struggles in 2019, as there are in any year, but there have been some REALLY GOOD things this year that have brought me joy, how might our entire outlook on the year change?
I was reminded of this (AGAIN – it takes time for me to learn stuff sometimes) in a conversation I had last week. And as a result of that conversation, I pulled out my Gratitude Journal that I started a few years ago, while reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
I had made it to 300 before the journal got buried underneath other stuff in my Contemplative Corner, which is a pretty good picture of what had happened in my life lately. I had let the stuff of life cover over my gratitude.
So on Friday afternoon last week, I laid outside in my hammock, listening to the sounds of nature and community, and over the course of an hour or so I added 50 more items to my list. And you know what happened by doing that one action? I felt my heart shift. I felt my eyes begin to see things in a fresh light (again). I found myself looking for things for which I am thankful. I found myself grabbing that Gratitude Journal and adding to the list almost daily.
When we choose to focus on gratitude, it becomes almost impossible to complain. You know why? Because we don’t see the things to complain about, we only see things for which we are grateful. It’s all about our FOCUS!
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” and Psalm 118:29 (along with MANY other places) says, “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.”
When we FOCUS on giving thanks IN every circumstance (note: this is NOT giving thanks FOR every circumstance), and we recognize the goodness and the love of God that endures forever (despite whatever circumstances we are facing), our outlook can’t help but be one of thanksgiving and gratitude.
And the more we are grateful, the more we see for which to be grateful, which makes us more grateful, and so on, and so on. It’s kind of like a gratitude snowball that keeps building and building as it goes.
I know it is Wednesday, and Mondays are usually the music days, but since I didn’t get a blog up on Monday, you get a twofer today. This song says it beautifully. So take a listen and then take a few minutes to write down some stuff for which you are thankful. It’s what we all need.
The first week of August I was in Baltimore, Maryland for the Big Tent conference of the Presbyterian Church (USA). This was my third time at this event, previously in Knoxville and St. Louis. Every time I attend I am challenged, encouraged and grateful to be a part of the PC (USA). As I sat in worship on Thursday evening, the Community Concert Choir of Baltimore blessed us with this song.
As I sat and listened one particular line jumped out at me: The world is ever changing, but you are still the same. It almost felt like it smacked me in the face with truth. I immediately grabbed a pen and paper and wrote it down. I mean, I know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, I have known that forever. And I know that the world is in a constant state of change, anyone can see that every day of their lives. But in that moment, those words washed over me and filled me with peace.
I am at this place in life where everything feels up in the air and I don’t really know what God is planning to do next. I have multiple questions and no real answers yet; other than trust that God will indeed order my steps. In the midst of a world that is constantly changing, in the midst of questions and wondering about what the future holds, I can trust that the God I serve is the same God that created the world, that created me, that called me to ministry, and will continue to lead me on the path for which I was created
Order my steps in Your word dear Lord, Lead me, guide me everyday, Send Your anointing, Father I pray; Order my steps in Your word, Please, order my steps in Your word.
Humbly, I ask Thee teach me Your will, While You are working, help me be still, ‘Cos Satan is busy, God is real; Order my steps in Your word, Please, order my steps in Your word.
Bridle my tongue let my words edify, Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in Thy sight, Take charge of my thoughts both day and night; Order my steps in Your word, Please order my steps in Your word.
I want to walk worthy, My calling to fulfill, Please order my steps Lord, And I’ll do Your blessed will.
The world is ever changing, But You are still the same; Please order my steps, Lord I’ll praise Your name. Order my steps in Your word. Order my tongue in Your word. Guide my feet in Your word. Wash my heart in Your word. Show me how to walk in Your word. Show me how to talk in Your word. When I need a brand new song to sing, Show me how to let Your praises ring,
Mondays always feel like an opportunity to start fresh, but if you read my post from yesterday, you know I think every moment is an opportunity to do so, AND that I am at a point in my life where I am focusing in again on my health and wellness after a rough couple of years.
I also have recognized that I haven’t been writing the way that I need to be. Writing is how I process life, and how I sort through things I am learning. This is understandable as over the last 3+ years I have been only writing papers for seminary that were REQUIRED, and of course sermons to preach that were NECESSARY. But I miss writing for fun and just because I want to write!
So, in addition to getting back on track with my health and fitness, I am going to work on getting back on track with blogging as well. So, let’s kick it off with Music Monday!
This morning, as I was sitting in my contemplative corner listening to some music at the start of my devotion time, anticipating re-starting my soulmate workout that kick-started my weight loss a few years ago, thinking about some things the Lord has stirring in my spirit, and even wondering what I might do for today’s post, this song came on and it felt like a gift just for me this morning. Take a listen. See if maybe it re-lights a fire in you to stop waiting and start taking a chance on something new!
There’s a fire inside, you can feel it burning It’s a neon light glowing like a furnace And the night is long but the world keeps turning You gotta know it, it’s not the end
Every new sunrise is one step closer It’s a sign in the sky that the fight’s not over So face the world, it’s now or never This is the moment, let it begin
This could change everything Can you feel it now, something’s in the air? This could change everything I know we’re gonna know it when we get there No more waiting, I’m taking the chance This could change everything Let it begin
See the world outside in technicolor Be the one who paints outside the numbers Like a child who is lost in wonder I don’t wanna lose it, I’m breathing it in
This could change everything Can you feel it now, something’s in the air? This could change everything I know we’re gonna know it when we get there No more waiting, I’m taking the chance This could change everything Let it begin
You can feel it coming like a flood Wash over us, wash over us Let the future we’ve been dreaming up Wash over us, wash over us You can feel it coming like a flood Wash over us, wash over us Let the future we’ve been dreaming up Wash over us, wash over us
This could change everything Can you feel it now, something’s in the air? This could change everything I know we’re gonna know it when we get there No more waiting, I’m taking the chance This could change everything Let it begin
Parenting is hard. It is constant work. You can’t let it slide. You can’t assume it is happening. You have to work to be on your toes and aware of what is happening with your kids.
And we all fall short of that ideal. Often.
Some days we are lucky if we get them out of bed and off to school, never mind making sure homework is done, they have had a healthy breakfast and they remembered to brush their teeth.
But the purpose in me blogging for 31 Days this month isn’t to make it seem like I have it all together when it comes to parenting. It isn’t that I have all the answers. It isn’t that I think I am doing a fabulous job in every possible area. It is really that I want to share my experiences and hopefully inspire someone to take that extra step, put in that extra work, and in the process, that I will also be inspired to be better and do better.
This is how it is in every area of my life that I put out there on my blog.
I talk about depression in hopes that someone else can get the help that they need.
I talk about health and fitness so others can find encouragement to get healthy.
I talk about giving to others, so that someone might be inspired to give of themselves.
I talk about music because of its ability to lift us up and move us forward.
I talk about faith because it is the ultimate inspiration in my life.
I truly want to inspire YOU to be the best YOU, the one created and loved by God.
Put in the work, be inspired by others, and be the best parent you can possibly be to the children that God has given to you.
I haven’t done a Monday Music during my October 31-Days, but this week and next I want to share with you songs that are my songs for my kids. These are the songs that when I hear them, I think of my kids.
Today is my song for Anne.
I remember listening to this song as we drove into town on the way home from the hospital with her and just being joyful and teary-eyed all at the same time.
I want the best for her. I want her to find her wings and fly. I want her to embrace who God created her to be, and find the peace that comes with that. I want to see her succeed, not in the way the world defines success, but in the way that God defines success. And I know that as she continues to grow, this will bring moments of letting go for me that will be bittersweet. There will also be moments that she wants to get going on this life of hers, and it won’t quite be time. But in the end, I know she will fly, because that is what she was born to do.
Born To Fly Sara Evans
I’ve been tellin’ my dreams to the scarecrow
‘Bout the places that I’d like to see
I said, friend do you think I’ll ever get there
Ah, but he just stands there smilin’ back at me
So I confessed my sins to the preacher
About the love I’ve been prayin’ to find
Is there a brown eyed boy in my future, yeah
He says. girl you’ve got nothin’ but time
But how do you wait for heaven
And who has that much time
And how do you keep your feet on the ground
When you know, that you were born, you were born to fly
My daddy, he’s grounded like the oak tree
My momma, she is steady as the sun
Oh you know I love my folks
But I keep starin’ down the road
Just lookin’ for my one chance to run
Yeah, ’cause I will soar away like the blackbird
I will blow in the wind like a seed
I will plant my heart in the garden of my dreams
And I will grow up where I’ll wander wild and free
Oh, how do you wait for heaven
And who has that much time
And how do you keep your feet on the ground
When you know, that you were born
You were born yeah
You were born to fly
So how do you wait for heaven
And who has that much time
And how do you keep your feet on the ground
When you know that you were born
You were born to fly fly fly fly