Isn’t it interesting how a song you have heard many times before can suddenly jump out and hit you like a cup of cold water to your face?
That was this song for me this morning as I was in my Contemplative Corner. I had just finished my bible reading and journaling, and moved on to listening to a little music before I jumped in the shower to prepare for the day.
And then I had to listen to this song a couple more times.
Because I think this song really addresses what happens, (or needs to happen) as we continue to draw near to God, and emulate Christ, and be led by the Holy Spirit.
We think that we can package Christianity up in a neat little box with lots of rules and regulations, when in reality, the more we read God’s Word, we find out that it’s not as easy as that.
When we are truly living out of the love that we have been given by God through Christ Jesus, it gets messy and doesn’t fit into our human constructs of religion. And that is a good thing, because it forces us to rely on God rather than ourselves, and to see people as God sees them rather than how our human eyes see them.
It all comes down to one word for me: LOVE. When we live with the love of God at the center of our lives, when we love like Jesus loves, this is when we are living out our faith in the most effective way. This is when we are acting in ways that bring glory not to ourselves, but to our God.
So, take a listen this morning. What else would you say to yourself today? How can you step out in love this week? Let me know your thoughts!
“2019 has been a rough year for me,” is the nice version of what I have been saying about this year that has brought with it many challenges.
There’s just one problem with this statement: 2019 hasn’t ONLY brought challenges! 2019 has also brought with it celebrations, vacations, girls trips, lake days, family time, laughter and so much more.
And yet, my focus has been on anything but these positive pieces of the year.
Why is that? Why do we tend to focus on the bad/hard/frustrating stuff instead of the good/uplifting/amazing stuff?
I think it is because we have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to see everything in black (bad) and white (good), AND we have allowed ourselves to fall into the complaining trap.
Remember Thumper from Bambi?
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”
We tend to think about what Thumper’s mother taught him in terms of what we say to others, which is a good practice to have. But what we say to OURSELVES is just as important!
When we consistently tell ourselves that 2019 has been a crappy year, guess what? 2019 is going to look like a crappy year because we are focused on the crappy stuff that we have had to go through. BUT, if we were to change that narrative to say there have been some struggles in 2019, as there are in any year, but there have been some REALLY GOOD things this year that have brought me joy, how might our entire outlook on the year change?
I was reminded of this (AGAIN – it takes time for me to learn stuff sometimes) in a conversation I had last week. And as a result of that conversation, I pulled out my Gratitude Journal that I started a few years ago, while reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
I had made it to 300 before the journal got buried underneath other stuff in my Contemplative Corner, which is a pretty good picture of what had happened in my life lately. I had let the stuff of life cover over my gratitude.
So on Friday afternoon last week, I laid outside in my hammock, listening to the sounds of nature and community, and over the course of an hour or so I added 50 more items to my list. And you know what happened by doing that one action? I felt my heart shift. I felt my eyes begin to see things in a fresh light (again). I found myself looking for things for which I am thankful. I found myself grabbing that Gratitude Journal and adding to the list almost daily.
When we choose to focus on gratitude, it becomes almost impossible to complain. You know why? Because we don’t see the things to complain about, we only see things for which we are grateful. It’s all about our FOCUS!
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” and Psalm 118:29 (along with MANY other places) says, “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.”
When we FOCUS on giving thanks IN every circumstance (note: this is NOT giving thanks FOR every circumstance), and we recognize the goodness and the love of God that endures forever (despite whatever circumstances we are facing), our outlook can’t help but be one of thanksgiving and gratitude.
And the more we are grateful, the more we see for which to be grateful, which makes us more grateful, and so on, and so on. It’s kind of like a gratitude snowball that keeps building and building as it goes.
I know it is Wednesday, and Mondays are usually the music days, but since I didn’t get a blog up on Monday, you get a twofer today. This song says it beautifully. So take a listen and then take a few minutes to write down some stuff for which you are thankful. It’s what we all need.